
There were quite a few difficulties that barred our path making the robot.

  • First, the soldering. We had trouble getting the wires tightly soldered into the switch. Often, they would fall out or were loose. We fixed that by getting connectors and just soldering the wires inside, which completely solved the problem.
  • Next was gearing the motors. The gears had to be so exact, including gluing the gear onto the wheel. One centimeter off and the gear wouldn't work right. Then placing the pinion and spur gears together was hard. The teeth had to interlock just right. However, the gearing and gluing seemed to work out just fine.
  • Next was driving the robot. The robot moved so fast! It was completely too hard to control, and when trying to push a golf ball, it would smack it so hard that the golf ball would roll of. The robot also bumped into the walls of the course.